
Squirrels are usually cute and harmless. However, when they begin nesting in your home they cause damage that can become permanent. They have strong teeth and are known to gnaw on various materials, including wood, electrical wiring, and insulation. Their gnawing behavior can lead to structural damage to homes, attics, and other structures. This can result in costly repairs and potential safety hazards. They can damage gardens, orchards, and agricultural crops by digging up and consuming plant bulbs, digging holes, or eating fruits and vegetables. Squirrels may seek shelter in attics, walls, or other areas of homes, especially during colder months. Their presence can result in noise, scratching sounds, unpleasant odors from urine and droppings, and potential damage to insulation or electrical wiring.

Here are some signs that may indicate the presence of squirrels in your walls or attic:

  • Scratching, Chewing, or Scampering Noises: Squirrels are active animals that make distinct scratching, chewing, or scampering sounds when they move around. If you hear these noises, especially during the daytime, it could indicate squirrels in your walls or attic.

  • Sightings: Squirrels may occasionally venture into visible areas of your home, such as windowsills or near attic access points. If you spot a squirrel inside your home, it is likely that there are more in hidden areas.

  • Entry Points: Squirrels can enter your home through small openings, such as gaps in the roofline, vents, eaves, or damaged areas of the exterior. Look for any signs of chewed or gnawed openings that could serve as entry points for squirrels.

  • Droppings: Squirrel droppings are small, cylindrical, and similar in shape to a grain of rice. If you find droppings in your attic or near entry points, it could indicate squirrel activity.

  • Damage to Property: Squirrels are known to gnaw on various materials, including wood, insulation, electrical wires, and pipes. Look for signs of chewed or damaged wires, woodwork, insulation, or other materials in your walls or attic.

  • Nests: Squirrels build nests for shelter and raising their young. Check for nests made of twigs, leaves, and other materials in your attic, insulation, or hidden corners of your home.

  • Unusual Smells: Squirrel droppings and urine can produce a distinct, unpleasant odor. If you notice strange or foul smells in certain areas of your home, it could be due to the presence of squirrels.

  • Increased Activity Around your Home: If you observe a higher number of squirrels than usual in your yard or near your home, it could indicate that they have taken up residence in your walls or attic.

Morrison and Sons Pest Control, in Detroit, MI, have the knowledge, experience, and specialized tools to handle squirrel removal effectively. They understand squirrel behavior, nesting habits, and entry points, enabling them to develop appropriate strategies for removal.

Squirrels can be unpredictable and may become aggressive if they feel threatened or cornered. Handling squirrels without proper training and equipment can put you at risk of bites or scratches. Professional technicians are trained in safely and humanely removing squirrels, minimizing the risk of injury to both humans and the squirrels. We prioritize the humane treatment of animals. We have techniques in place to safely capture and relocate squirrels to appropriate natural habitats, ensuring that the squirrels are not harmed in the process. We not only remove the squirrels but also identify and address potential entry points to prevent future infestations and further damage. Squirrels can carry diseases, parasites, and ticks, which can pose health risks to humans and pets. Their droppings can also contaminate the environment with bacteria and other pathogens. We follow safety protocols to minimize health risks during the removal process. We offer a comprehensive approach to pest management. We not only remove the squirrels but also provide cleanup and sanitation services, repair any damage caused by the infestation, and offer preventive measures to avoid future squirrel problems. If you attempt to remove squirrels on your own and unintentionally cause damage to your property or injure yourself, you may not be covered by insurance. Professional removal services carry insurance coverage, providing protection against potential liabilities.

If you suspect squirrels are living in your walls or attic, Call Morrison and Sons Pest Control at (313)689-0957. We have the expertise and tools to safely and effectively remove squirrels from your home, identify and seal entry points, and implement preventive measures to avoid future infestations.


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